The glaring exclusion of The Undisputed Elite from AEW’s ongoing Trios Tag Team Title tournament has led to questions about the company’s booking. The trio of Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O’Reilly are one of the most natural contenders for the titles, and so their absence from the tournament bracket has confused fans.
While appearing on Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast (H/t Fightful), Fish addressed this booking choice. He explained that the Undisputed Elite weren’t included in the tournament because not all three of them would have been available:
‘We weren’t going to be able to do it, all three of us, at the time that we needed to be. Plans had to be shifted. Much like everything in pro wrestling, it’s all subject to change. This, unfortunately, is one of those things that became subject to change.
Bobby Fish explained that as of right now, he is the only one who is not injured in any way. He did promise to go after the titles ones his teammates regain their health:
“Right now, I’m the only one who is fully healthy. It’s just a matter of the boys getting back. It won’t be long, but that’s where we are at the moment, just giving the boys a little time to heal and then we’ll get this thing going again.’