Former WWE Superstar Batista recently spoke to IGN. The Marvel Cinematic Universe star discussed a number of topics during the interview, including his difficulty with tax issues after he left professional wrestling.
‘For people to really understand how much my life has changed, they would have to understand where I came from, what I went through when I was in wrestling, what I left behind to take a chance on going into acting” Batista began.
“And when I got the role of Drax in Guardians, I barely worked in three years” The Animal continued. “So I’d really left wrestling behind and I could have gone back with my tail between my legs, but I still [would] have been just stuck in a place that I never would have gone any further, but I just took a chance.”
Batista on money issues
“And then when I got [cast], not only because I was broke, [everything changed]” Batista revealed. “When I say broke, my house was foreclosed, I had nothing, man. I sold all my stuff.”
“So I sold everything that I made from [when] I was wrestling. I had issues with the IRS. I was just lost in everything’ the former World Heavyweight Champion concluded.
Batista wrestled his final match at WrestleMania 35, losing to Triple H in a No DQ match that was the culmination of their years together in the Evolution stable and beyond.
Dave Bautista is now the star of a number of Hollywood properties, even beyond Marvel, so it looks like the gamble he took paid off.